204 Cloverdale Blvd.
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
Phone: 850-863-1969
Fax: 850-863-7954
Programs & Services
Here at Okaloosa Community Development Corporation, we offer many services to help the community.
Listed below are some of the services we may be able to assist you with.
Click image for
additional information
(SHIP) State Housing
Initiatives Program
- Rehabilitation Program
- Down Payment & Closing Cost Assistance
- External Links:
Florida Housing Finance Corporation
- For more info contact:
Darrell Fransen at 863-1969 ext. 6
or email to drfransen@embarqmail.com.
Office hours are Mon.-Wed., 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Click image for
additional information
Florida's Hardest Hit Fund
- Principal Reduction
- External Links:
Florida Hardest Hit Fund Website
Florida Hardest Hit Fund Application
- For more info contact:
Lisa Evans at 863-1969 ext 1
or email to levanshhfadv@embarqmail.com.
Office hours are Mon.-Fri., 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Independent Living Program

NSP Rentals
NSP Rentals was established for the purpose of providing emergency assistance to stabilize communities with high rates of abandoned and foreclosed homes, and to assist households whose annual incomes are up to 120 percent of the area median income (AMI).
Providing or improving permanent residential structures that will be occupied by a household whose income is at or below 80% of area median income.
Benefiting all the residents of a primarily residential area in which at least 51% of the residents have incomes at or below 80% of area median income.
Serving a limited clientele whose incomes are at or below 80% and greater than 51% of area median income.
- For more info contact:
Tamiko Williams at 863-1969 ext 3
or send email to rollingpinespropmgr@gmail.com. Office hours are Mon.-Fri., 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM